Regular sexy times mean a better work life - Men & Woman


lundi 20 mars 2017

Regular sexy times mean a better work life

GETTING IT ON often at home should be a priority if you want to make your work life as satisfying as possible says a new study from Oregon State University. The findings reveal that if your work life is suffering, your troubles may not solely originate from a cranky boss or an irritating co-worker, but may be linked to how much nookie you're having with your partner during downtime.
Researchers followed 159 married couples over a two-week period, asking them to fill out two questionnaires each day. They discovered that when couples had sex the night before work, they were in a sunnier mood the next day, performed their job tasks better, and had a more satisfied and fulfilling day at work. The afterglow lasted about 24 hours and still had a powerful effect, no matter the status of the marriage or how well they slept.

“We make jokes about people having a ‘spring in their step,’ but it turns out this is actually a real thing and we should pay attention to it,” said study lead Keith Leavitt, Ph.D., an expert in organizational behavior and management at the university. “Maintaining a healthy relationship that includes a healthy sex life will help employees stay happy and engaged in their work, which benefits the employees and the organizations they work for.”
The study also found that when work-related stress was brought back home at the end of the day, it affected how often the couples had sex, setting up a vicious cycle of no sex and bad work performance. “Making a more intentional effort to maintain a healthy sex life should be considered an issue of human sustainability, and as a result, a potential career advantage,” he said. “Technology offers a temptation to stay plugged in, but it's probably better to unplug if you can…And employers should encourage their employees to completely disengage from work after hours.”
To up your game take a look at our sex guide? and a recent feature showing how food can make your testosterone levels higher and create a better mood in the bedroom.


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